“Cozy” means warm, comfortable, and relaxing.
Cozy anime makes you feel safe and happy—perfect for watching after a long day or to distract you from the world.
Here are three cozy anime I love. They are calm, beautiful, and have deep meanings.
コージーアニメ(ほのぼの系アニメ)とは、見ているだけで心が落ち着き、幸せな気持ちになれる作品のこと。 長い一日の終わりにほっとひと息つきたいときや、現実をちょっと忘れたいときにぴったりです。
Mushi-shi is about Ginko, a man who helps people with problems caused by mushi—strange spirit-like creatures.
Each episode is a different story, set in old Japan with beautiful nature scenes.
The soft watercolor art and relaxing music make it a perfect anime to watch before bed.
The story teaches us to respect nature and live in harmony with it.
I especially love the opening song, it’s sung by a Scottish singer.
If you like Ghibli movies, you will enjoy this anime!
『蟲師』は、蟲(むし) と呼ばれる不思議な霊のような存在によって引き起こされる問題を解決する旅をする男、ギンコを描いた物語です。
この作品は、自然を敬い、調和して生きることの大切さ を教えてくれます。
Haibane Renmei:灰羽連盟
This anime is about Haibane, people who look like angels, living in a quiet European-style town.
The character design is by Yoshitoshi ABe, the same artist as Serial Experiments Lain.
The simple art and soft colors make it feel like a dream.
The story is slow and deep, about life, memories, and finding peace.
The philosophical exploration of life and death makes you think, while the art style and music makes you dream.
If you like thinking about big ideas, this anime is for you.
キャラクターデザインを手がけたのは、『Serial Experiments Lain』で知られる安倍吉俊。
Kino’s Journey:キノの旅
There are two versions of Kino’s Journey, one anime released in 2003 and another released in 2017.
Kino travels to different countries with her talking motorcycle, Hermes.
Each place has its own strange customs—some beautiful, some dark.
Like Mushi-shi, each episode is a different story, with beautiful natural scenery.
The 2003 version is my favorite, but the 2017 remake is also great.
This anime makes you think about morality and dream about traveling on a talking motorbike!
Do you like cozy anime? Please tell me your recommendations!
ほっこりするアニメは好きですか? 皆さんのおすすめを教えてくださいね!