Hello, I hope everyone is enjoying their English learning Journey!
As a language learner myself I thought it would be helpful to recommend some media from my home country: England! And also tell you about how studying languages this way has benefitted me.
From a young age, I learnt Spanish as we would visit my family in Malaga every year!
I knew the basics and most of the grammar by the time I continued studying Spanish in University. However, I struggled the most with speaking! Perhaps I felt embarrassed to make a mistake.
I also didn’t fully understand how to speak naturally and make sentences without translating from English in my head.
I’m sure students of any language can understand this struggle.
I found a show on Netflix called ‘La Reina Del Flow’.
大学でスペイン語の勉強を続ける頃には、基本的なことや文法はほとんど理解していました。でも、一番苦労したのは 「話すこと」 でした!たぶん、間違えるのが恥ずかしかったんだと思います。
そんなときに、Netflixで『La Reina Del Flow(英題:The Queen of Flow)』というドラマを見つけたんです!
It’s a telenovela about a woman who was falsely convicted for a crime getting her revenge and following her dreams of becoming a pop star. The show has 172 episodes which last around an hour each! I watched every episode with Spanish subtitles.
これは、無実の罪で投獄された女性が復讐を果たしながら、ポップスターになる夢を追う というストーリーの テレノベラ(ラテンアメリカやスペインで制作される連続ドラマ) なの。
このドラマは 全172話もあって、1話が約1時間!私は スペイン語字幕 をつけて、すべてのエピソードを観ました。
At first I didn’t understand much. I tried to search for some unknown words but, after a while, I learnt the words using contextual clues. I think that this boosted my language levels exponentially!
そのおかげで、私のスペイン語力は 一気に伸びた気がします!
I felt more confident to form sentences and speak Spanish. Similarly, when learning Korean, I engulfed myself with Korean content. And now I am trying to do so again with Japanese! It’s important to find a show that you find entertaining!
So, what do I recommend for English learners? Here are three of of my favourite casual British shows:
私は スペイン語の文章を組み立てて話すことに自信が持てるようになりました!同じように、韓国語を学ぶときも、できるだけ 韓国語のコンテンツにどっぷり浸かるようにしました。そして今は、日本語でも同じことをしようと頑張っています!大切なのは「自分が楽しめる番組を見つけること」です。
British TV shows to help you learn English!
1. Come Dine With Me
‘Come Dine With Me’ is a British classic. At the moment, there are 1,051 episodes!
The episodes are held in a different part of the UK and four local people each host a dinner party at their house. Each person must cook a starter, main and dessert. They should also try to provide some form of entertainment.
『Come Dine With Me』 は、イギリスではお馴染みの人気番組で、現在、なんと 1,051話も放送されています!
この番組では、イギリス各地を舞台に、地元の参加者4人がそれぞれの自宅でディナーパーティーを主催するの。参加者は 前菜・メイン・デザートを作り、さらにちょっとしたゲストを楽しませるためのアイデアも用意しなければなりません。
The contestants then rank each other’s dinner parties and the winner gets a cash prize.
Due to the competitive nature of the show, things can often turn sour* and it is rather entertaining to see! Some moments have even gone viral online!
(*Turn sour= become unpleasant/ go wrong)
競争がヒートアップすることで、時には雰囲気が悪くなったり(turn sour = 関係がこじれる) することも…。でも、それがまた面白いんです!ネットでバズった名シーンもたくさんありますよ!
The food is expected to be cooked from scratch and can include local specialities or international cuisines!
If you like cooking shows with a side of reality tv drama, this is perfect for you! If you were a contestant, what would you cook?
料理は すべて手作りで、地元の名物料理や世界各国の料理 も登場します!
2. Taskmaster
‘Taskmaster’ is a comedy game show, pitting five comedians against each other to see who can execute absurd tasks the best!
Some examples of tasks are “paint a horse while riding a horse”(Series 1, Episode 1) or “make this coconut look like a businessman” (Series 5, Episode 3).
The series is interesting as it requires the contestants to think outside the box* to win a golden head prize at the end of the season.
As of now, there are 106 episodes!
Junior taskmaster (with child contestants) is good for beginners as the speaking is more simple and clear.
(*Think outside the box= thinking creatively or different to normal)
なんと、これまでに 全106エピソード も放送されているんです!
さらに、子どもたちが挑戦する 『ジュニア・タスクマスター』 もあり、こちらは話し方がシンプルで聞き取りやすいので、英語学習初心者の方にもおすすめですよ。
If you would prefer the adult counterpart, Taskmaster Season five is also a good start as the comedians speak slightly slower than in other series.
The series is so popular in the UK that there is even a taskmaster experience that the general public can do in London!
Do you think you would be able to win?
(*Think outside the box= thinking creatively or different to normal)
大人向けの本家『Taskmaster』を楽しみたい方には、シーズン5がおすすめ!このシーズンでは、コメディアンたちが他のシリーズよりも ややゆっくり話す ので、英語が聞き取りやすいですよ。
この番組はイギリスで大人気で、なんとロンドンには 一般の人も挑戦できる『Taskmaster体験』 まであるんです。
3. Miranda
‘Miranda’ is a favourite of mine. It is a comedy show about a woman called ‘Miranda’ trying to figure out her life as an adult!
She usually finds herself in awkward situations, particularly around her crush, Gary.
The show is great for English learners because the dialogue is clear and slow.
She uses a lot of physical comedy and often talks directly to the camera, making the story easy to understand.
Unfortunately, there are only 20 episodes. But if you like her style of comedy, you can find her stand up comedy sets online, which I find rather funny!
残念ながら 全20エピソードしかありませんが、もしミランダのコメディスタイルが気に入ったら、彼女のスタンダップ・コメディもおすすめ!オンラインで観られるので、ぜひチェックしてみてくださいね。
It’s important to note that it’s normal to not fully understand at first.
Even if you are a beginner, it’s a great idea to try to watch with English subtitles. However, of course, it’s up to the learner’s preference.
There is a wide variety of accents and dialects in the UK and sometimes even I can’t fully understand what people say!
最初はすべてを完璧に理解できなくても大丈夫! それが普通のことなので、気にしないでくださいね。
初心者の方でも、英語字幕をつけて観てみるのはとてもおすすめ! でも、もちろん最終的には自分に合った方法で楽しむのが一番です。
British humor can be very honest and sometimes seemingly rude!
Most of the time it is not meant seriously, this is just how British people make light of everyday situations!
Sarcasm, irony and self-depreciation are commonplace in British conversations.
イギリスの会話では、皮肉(sarcasm)、皮肉や逆説的なユーモア(irony)、そして自虐ネタ(self-deprecation) がよく使われます。
If you would like to learn more about this, or get more recommendations for more British shows, let’s talk about it in a lesson.
I am more than happy to hear your opinions on any of these shows or about your favourite Japanese shows!
All of the shows mentioned can be found on youtube. I hope you enjoy watching them!
今回紹介した番組はすべて YouTubeで観ることができます。ぜひ楽しんでください!