I would like to share a bit of my background with you.
I hope I can get to know some of you as well and we can exchange our views on life! That would make me very happy!
I was born and raised as an only child in Berlin, the capital of Germany.
Berlin is so versatile that I don’t even exactly know where to start.
Most tourists come to Berlin because of its’ rich history.
If you are interested in learning about World War II or the division into east and west that followed it then you have a lot to see in Berlin.
There are so many museums and monuments to visit.This is how I would describe Berlin superficially.
But if you dig deeper, Berlin’s modern culture is also something quite exceptional, especially the people.
Basically it doesn’t matter what you wear or who you are – you are not going to be judged in Berlin.
It is really hard to stand out in Berlin because people living in Berlin already have seen it all.
For example, if you randomly start dancing in the middle of the street, it is very likely that people are going to walk past you without even blinking.
Therefore Berlin is known as a place were people can just be themselves.
This is what makes people from all over the world, or even Germans from more conservative regions of the country, move to Berlin.
In their hometowns they were rather “weirdos” and in Berlin they feel like they finally fit in.
Age, Gender and nationality don’t really matter, anyone can find what they are looking for.
Many Germans jokingly say that Berlin is not a part of Germany because it has it’s own unique culture.
And some also dislike Berlin because of its’ craziness, but that’s for each person to decide on their own.
Of course, my hometown has had a huge impact on the way I grew up.
I have always been living within a very multicultural community of people and have been in touch with different cultures since I was a child.
Because of the diversity of restaurants, I also could taste food from all over the world.
Especially Vietnamese food is very popular in Berlin. It is my second-favorite cuisine (after Japanese cuisine).
Berlin’s culture has its’ advantages and disadvantages, but overall I am very grateful having grown up there.
I decided to become a teacher because it feels very meaningful.
Even if I have a bad day where I don’t feel happy, I remember that I am doing something good for other people when going to work.
I have also been working with children aged 6 to 12 years old before I came to Japan.
During that time, I have also been learning a lot about life in general.
Even though the job could be very challenging at times, I learned how to be the bigger person, how to be compassionate, patient and how to accept people/children just as they are.
Also I realized how much parents have to go through in order to put their child first.
It is truly a lot of work and my respect for every parent grew immensely.
Even though I loved my former workplace, I decided to go to Japan this year to fulfill my dream.
I have been wanting to go to Japan for a longer time since I visited Tokyo for the first time in 2018.
I had nothing to do with Japanese culture at all back then, but once I interacted with people and strolled through the city, I was so impressed by the kindness, consideration and modesty of people.
I decided to study Japanese right after that trip.
This year, I am going to take the N3 exam and I would like to take the N2 exam next year.
Due to COVID, I wasn’t able to study abroad in Japan, even though I was already accepted into a Japanese University.
So I waited for some years and took the next best chance I got to come here, which was this year after my Master’s graduation.
Right now I am very happy at this Eikaiwa and found a new work place where I feel just as comfortable as in Germany.

Kobe’s Chinatown:神戸の中華街
The most important things to me in life are moving my body as much as possible, learning new things, taking care of my health and peace of mind, valuing the time I spend with people I love and cherishing small moments.
The older I get, the more I notice that it is not only the big events that matter, but the small things I can experience and enjoy every day, like my favorite food, a delicious drink, beautiful and clean clothes, nice weather, a good book and so on.
I hope to be able to see you soon and hear your perspective on life!
Historical Spots in Berlin:ベルリンの歴史的スポット
This is the Holocaust Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe of World War II. Some people/tourists might take photos in between the stones because they look very impressive. But I would advise you not to do it because many Germans see it as bad manners to take beautiful pictures with stones that basically represent murdered people.
This is called the Checkpoint Charlie. It was the best-known border-crossing between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. This is a place where American and Soviet tanks faced each other at the height of the Berlin crisis in 1961. It is therefore a symbol of the conflict between two world powers.
A part of the former Berlin Wall now became a monument which is shown here.
This a funny picture that represents what I have been writing about Berlin as a crazy city where all kinds of people come together. You can never be too weird for Berlin because scenes like this are nothing new for us Berliners. It can be shocking for people from other parts of the world, especially Japanese people.