We love to go out with friends and drink so here are some terms you should really know.
●Let’s grab a beer! :ビールを飲もうよ!
(We should go and get a beer) (ビールを飲みに行くべきだわ!)
●I’ll buy you a drink! :一杯おごるわよ!
(When you say that, You can buy someone a drink. If you don’t offer to buy a drink, or they don’t offer, usually you pay for yourself)
●I’m good for now. :もう大丈夫。
(When you don’t want to drink anymore, you can say this and they probably won’t ask for a little bit)
●Well, thanks for coming out, I gotta wake up early tomorrow.:今日はありがとう。明日朝早いのよね。
(Its a polite way to say you need to go home)(丁寧に『もう帰る。』と伝える方法よ。)
●I got a hangover. :二日酔いよ!
(When you drank too much, and you feel bad the next day!)
So, that’s it! Cheers!