Family memories are a great thing aren’t they? What are some of your greatest memories growing up as a child? These days, as I get closer to getting married, I have started to think more about children & the kind of life I hope to provide for my children – if I have them one day. I really cherish my childhood and I think I was extremely lucky to grow up in a loving and supportive family.
家族の思い出って素晴らしいものですよね? 皆さんにとって子供の頃の素敵な思い出は何かですか?最近、私は結婚が近づくにつれて、子供のことや、いつか自分に子供が出来た時に与えてあげたいと思う生活についてたくさん考えるようになりました。 私は子供時代が本当に大切なものと感じますし、愛情に溢れいつも支えになってくれる家族に囲まれて育った私は、とっても恵まれていたと思います。

As I was thinking about these things, I remembered that Easter is approaching and I started to think about my family memories of Easter back home. I grew up in a small country town in Wisconsin, but three of my aunts lived in Minnesota with their families. And every year, as long as I can remember, we would make the long 5 hour drive to my aunt’s house for Easter.

I remember it was like a little adventure traveling across the state. My sister and I would pack up as much “stuff to do” as we could – CDs, magazines, books, games and of course pillows. Even though I would usually just listen to my music and fall asleep in the car. But, now that I’m older, whenever I have a chance to make that trip with my folks, I spend nearly the whole time talking with them or looking out the window to admire the landscape.

After 5 hours of highway driving, crossing the state line became the highlight of our trips. The neat thing about the state line between Minnesota and Wisconsin is the Mississippi river. It’s a huge river – you really can’t miss it. I enjoyed going over the bridge and peering down to see if I could get a look at a boat or two on the sparkling water. It was at that point that everyone in the car really perked up because we knew we were close to our destination.


When we arrived my family would come out to greet us. “How was the trip?” they would say. “Come on in, let me help you with your bags”. Usually that was on a Friday night. Friday nights were pretty quiet. We would get settled into our rooms, have a casual dinner and then play a board game or two.
私たちが到着すると家族が出迎えてくれ、“旅はどうだった?”“いらっしゃい、鞄を運ぶの手伝うわ” と声を掛けてくれます。 たいていそれは金曜の夜でした。金曜の夜はとても静かです。私たちは部屋で一息ついてから簡単に夕食をとり、1つか2つボードゲームをして遊びました。

Saturdays, however, were exciting and full of hustle and bustle. Since there were about 15 people in our family, we split up because different people wanted to do different things. Typically the women would head into Minneapolis to go shopping. I usually needed something like a new dress, a top, or nylons for my Easter outfit. And the men, well, some of them would stay home in front of the TV, but others, like my dad & my uncle would go to sporting goods stores to look at hunting, camping, and fishing gear. Sometimes I would go with the guys too. It was always hard for me to decide which group to go with, so each year I switched it up – sometimes I hung out with the guys and other times I hung out with the girls.
土曜日は、その一方で、楽しく、そしてとても慌ただしくなります。私たちの家族は約15人おり、各々やりたいことが違うので、行動は別々でした。たいてい女性陣は買い物をしにミネアポリスに行きます。私はイースターに着る新しいドレス、トップスやストッキングを買いに行きました。 男性陣はというと、家でTVを観て過ごす人もいれば、私の父や叔父の様に、狩りやキャンプ、釣りの道具を見にスポーツ店に行く人もいます。たまに私も、父や叔父について行くことがありました。いつもどちらのグループと一緒に行くか決めることが難しかったので、毎年交互にして、ある時には男の人たちと、また別の時には女の人たちと出かけました。

After a long day of shopping, we returned home for a big Easter dinner with ham or turkey. One thing I remember about the dinner was a stick of butter which was shaped like a lamb – and still to this day, I don’t understand why we had it. We called it the “sacrificial” lamb, which was a bit of a joke because of course when you ate it you had to cut a piece from the lamb butter for your bread – and usually the first person to use it would cut its head off. We also had an Easter bunny cake which was really just three round cakes put together in the shape of two ears and a face. Although it was simple, it was delicious and served as another family custom.


Then we made an Easter bunny trap. This became a tradition for us about 10 years ago. It started off as a small trap, I don’t remember much, but it was just a small box with a little stick that held the box up. Then some carrots were placed underneath the box. So, when the rabbit would come it would knock the stick out and get caught – it was pretty basic. At that time, I was old enough to know the Easter bunny wasn’t real, but my cousins were younger so they actually believed we could catch the Easter bunny. And coincidentally, every year, the Easter bunny would escape, but he would leave some candy and eggs for my cousins with a note saying, “ha, ha, ha, you thought you could catch me – better luck next year”. But the funny thing was that every year the Easter bunny trap would get more and more elaborate. We started to really get into it. We loved putting our engineering skills to work – swinging pendulums, sticks, boxes, balls – you name it – it was all par for the course. The best thing I could compare it to from Japan would be something you would see on Pitagora switch.


After scheming to catch the Easter bunny we would head to the kitchen to make Easter eggs. Have any of you decorated eggs before? In order to make Easter eggs you have to boil them & then once they are cool you draw pictures on them with crayons. After that you dye them. We made a multitude of different colored eggs and decorations – usually about 3 dozen. And we made an egg for each person in our family. Each person’s name was written on an egg and the rest were decorated with flowers, polka dots, bunnies, birds, and what not. It was so fun!! I remember feeling very carefree just designing eggs and laughing and talking with my family.


Saturday night, after all the kids went to bed, my aunts and my mom would fill up our Easter baskets with fake green grass, candy, small gifts, and the eggs we decorated and hide them. The next morning, we woke up around 5:30 am to go to church. Sunday mornings were so crazy because everyone needed to use the bathroom to shower, put on makeup, and get ready. Plus we were in a hurry to make it to church on time. We dressed up in formal shoes and dresses. At church everyone seemed so cheerful and excited for Easter. I remember looking around at the other families and I wondered how they celebrated Easter. We sang songs of joy and happiness and after church we returned home for a big Easter brunch.
土曜の夜は、子供達がみんな寝てから、叔母と母が私たちのイースターバスケットを作り物の葉っぱやキャンディ、小さなプレゼント、そして飾りつけしたたまごでいっぱいにして、隠してくれます。次の日の朝は、私たちは教会に行く為に5時半ごろに起きました。日曜の朝は皆がシャワーを浴びたりメイクをしたり、準備する為に洗面所を使わないといけないので、てんやわんやでした。加えて、私たちは時間通りに教会に着くよう急いでいました。私たちはよそ行き靴とドレスに着替えました。教会では、皆明るくイースターを楽しみにしているように見えました。私は他の家族を見渡しながら、皆がどんな風にイースターをお祝いするのだろうと考えていました。 私たちは喜びと幸せの歌を歌って教会を後にし、イースターのブランチを食べに家に戻りました。


After brunch, we would look for our Easter baskets. Sometimes if the weather was nice, everything was hidden outside – which was always nice to be outside in the warm weather. After everyone had found their baskets and was busily eating candy and enjoying the small gifts that were in the baskets it was time to go. We had a long 5 hour trip ahead of us so we tried to leave by noon. It was sad to say goodbye – but everyone had had a great time together. Now I hope one day I can share these kinds of experiences with my own family, because I know for me I will always remember those days and I think my family will remember them too.




当ブログは「b わたしの英会話」が運営しています。

「b わたしの英会話」では、まずは独学をキッカケにスタートしてその後、しっかりと学びたい!ということで、通いはじめるお客様は多くいらっしゃいます。






私たち、b わたしの英会話では一緒に働くコンシェルジュ職(カウンセラー)ポジションの募集をしています。英語を使った仕事を通じて、自分のスキルを高めてみたい方、接客の好きな方にピッタリのポジションです。応募されたい方は、こちらのリンクをご参照ください。


b わたしの英会話が運営する恋と仕事に効く英語執筆チームです。スクールで勤務するカウンセラー、外国人講師、そして、その他スタッフがお客様サポートを通じて「あ、このフレーズ使える!」「これって英語でなんていうんだろう?」と疑問に思ったことを記事を通じて解説しています。




