After a 22 hour flight, I finally arrived in Tokyo on New Year’s Eve. Since then, I’ve had many adventures in this country. I’ve met new people, gotten lost a few times, eaten delicious Yakitori, and seen things I could only imagine in Ireland. Mount Fujii, Hakone, and Asakusa are still on my itinerary and I look forward to seeing more of this country.
The people here are so friendly and they have helped when I’ve gotten lost or if can’t understand a menu. One day, I was ready to tear my hair out, after taking a wrong train and mixing up my tickets, and, out of nowhere, a Japanese man asked me if I was okay. Another day, a woman helped me find my way home after my train stopped and left me stranded in a strange place. Tokyoites always seem on hand to help out a confused Irishman!
A good example of this was during the snowfall a couple of weeks ago. I was wandering around Monzen Nakacho looking for a place where I could try out new food. I had heard from my friends that I should try out an “”. I had no idea what an Izakaya was and I was beginning to worry that, if I stayed out much longer, I would become a living snowman.
I ended up in a nice Italian restaurant. As it was Valentine’s Day, a lot of couples were having dinner together. When they saw me come in drenched in snow, they offered me wine and started talking to me about Ireland. They got me to try out pasta with cuttlefish, sushi and ‘skybeans’ – all were new to me. The chefs were big soccer fans and started talking to me about Irish footballer player, Robbie Keane and They played the irish National Anthem and the Liverpool song “You’ll never walk alone” in the restaurant.
結局イタリアンレストランに行き着きました。その日はバレンタインデーということもあって、たくさんのカップルたちが食事をしていました。雪でびしょぬれになった私が店に入ってきたのを見て、彼らはワインを勧めてくれ、アイルランドについて話し始めました。私は初めて、いかのパスタや寿司、そら豆に挑戦しました。そこのシェフがサッカーの大ファンでアイルランドのフットボール選手、Robbie Keaneについて話し始め、アイルランドの国歌やリバプール(イングランド北西部)の歌 「You’ll never walk alone」を店内でかけてくれました。
They were not very romantic songs for the couples who were there but I was taken aback and started singing along to them. Afterwards, they invited me to play a game with them outside in the snow. I found out that Japanese chefs are quite excellent at soccer! At the end of my night, the staff offered me an umbrella to take back home with me. At the end of the night when I was walking away they sang ‘You”ll never walk alone’. In Tokyo, I don’t think I ever do.
お店にいたカップルたちにとってロマンティックな曲ではなかったけれども、私は音楽につられて一緒に歌っていました。その後彼らは、外に出て雪で遊ぼうと誘ってくれました。シェフはサッカーがとっても上手でした!夜も終わりを迎え、スタッフの方が私に傘を持たせてくれました。私が帰るため歩いていると、彼らは「You”ll never walk alone’」を歌ってくれました。東京でこの歌を歌うことになるとは思わなかったです。