Hi I’m Erika, and I am thrilled to join the b Watashino Eikaiwa family!
Having a Japanese father and an American mother, I have lived in Japan, New York City, San Francisco, and Kuala Lumpur. I have two home towns: New York and Ibaraki (which is reportedly the 47th most attractive prefecture, and something that I beg to differ with; but that argument warrants an entire blog for a later date).
New York City, the center of the universe. There are lots to do there 24/7. I do miss “the City” (as New Yorkers call Manhattan), but San Francisco is better for your soul: mild climate, beautiful scenery, friendly people, and excellent wine. San Francisco is definitely more wholesome. I love both cities equally.
住民はそこが宇宙の中心と信じて疑わないニューヨークシティ。一日中やることが沢山あります。(“24/7 – 毎日一日中”)“ザ シティー”(ニューヨーカーはマンハッタンのことをそう呼びます)も懐かしいですが、サンフランシスコのほうが精神衛生上いいことは確かです。温暖な気候、美しい自然、フレンドリーな人たち、おいしいワイン…健康的ですね。私はどちらの都市も大好きです。
I have been teaching and training people throughout my business career. Before joining b, I was working in the cosmetic industry in the USA. I am sure many of you have been helped by the friendly “Beauty Consultants” or “Beauty Advisors” behind the cosmetics counter at department stores. I used to train them on product knowledge, makeup and skincare techniques, and customer service skills. I won’t lie, I’m a girly-girl…it is so much fun to work with cosmetics!
I have a very big sweet tooth. I blame my DNA, though. My grandmother used to make sure we get dessert after lunch! I enjoy baking, too. I’ve been told I bake a mean apple pie. Life is short, eat dessert! I balance my sweet tooth by working out regularly. I practice yoga, and I recently started taking dance lessons.
甘いものには目がありません。(“have a sweet tooth” – 甘党)
これは、ランチの後にもデザートをだした祖母のDNAのせいですね!お菓子は作ることも好きです。私の焼くアップルパイはおいしいって評判ですよ。(“mean” – とてもいい、すごくいい)
I hope to meet you soon. Besides the real-world English, I’d love to share an insider secret or two on beauty, baking, who makes the best hot dog in NY!