How can I improve my vocabulary? by Michael

How can I improve my vocabulary?



I suppose this is a question that language learners often ask.


Although I have lived in Japan for quite some time now and have some competency with the Japanese language, there is still plenty of room for me to grow and I feel that focusing my study on vocabulary would benefit my language proficiency greatly.







Since I am both a language learner and a language teacher, I thought it might be helpful to share some techniques, methods and ideas on how to improve one’s vocabulary.

I will begin these first few lessons with my own personal practices but if any b members have other ways or ideas about expanding one’s working vocabulary, I would be happy to listen and share them.


僕自身が実践しているやり方としてこれらいくつかのレッスン(方法)をお伝えしてみます。でもbのメンバーの皆さんが自分の単語を増やす他の方法やアイディアを持っているとしたら、 ぜひそれを教えてもらってシェアできたら嬉しいです。


This first lesson will simply describe the method I plan to use.

I believe language learning is easiest when you focus on what it is you actually want to talk about.

For example, it makes very little sense for a person who has no interest in sports to learn sports lingo;

they may not have many opportunities to use such words and phrases and in all likelihood they will soon forget what they studied.

So the first step is to ask yourself, “What kind of conversation(s) do I want to have?”

As some of you may already know, I am a person of many interests but for the purposes of this lesson I will focus on my three primary interests: Life/Death, Love, and Freedom.








Since this is a vocabulary building lesson and not a conversation lesson, I will leave it to your imagination as to what sort of conversations one can have about such topics.

What is important is that I now have topics on which I can focus my vocabulary building.

So let us move on to the next step: making your vocab list.





vocabulary list















I have decided that for each month I would like to learn 20 new words and review 5 old words, making a total of 25 words.

I have included the review section because occasionally I mispronounce words I thought I knew or sometimes I simply can’t remember a word I learned in the past.

I chose 25 words because it seemed a reasonable amount considering my busy schedule;

too many words will make it difficult to remember them all and might end up discouraging my efforts;

too few will deprive me the satisfaction of feeling that I am progressing in my learning.

And of course, if it is too much or too little I can always raise or reduce the amount of words on my list.







Which now brings us to the list:



My Vocab List for October 2013


i. wonder (sense of wonder): 驚異(きょうい)、感嘆(かんたん)[驚嘆]の念

ii. sublime: 壮美(そうび)、神々しい(こうごうしい)、不可思議な[超自然的な]こと、奇跡

iii. joy: 歓喜(かんき)、喜び、喜びの種(よろこびのたね)

iv. wisdom: 知恵(ちえ)、英知(えいち)

v. melancholy: 哀愁(あいしゅう)、憂鬱(ゆううつ)、陰気(いんき)

vi. madness: 狂気(きょうき)、狂乱 (きょうらん)

vii. sacred: 聖なる(せいなる)、神聖(しんせい)

viii. profane: 俗(ぞく)[of the world], 下卑(げび)[vulgar, obscene]

ix. awe: 畏敬(いけい)の念

x. profound: 深い、心の底から

xi. simplicity: 簡潔(かんけつ)[brevity]、質素(しっそ)[frugality]、単純

xii. transience: 儚い(はかない)

xiii. discipline: 規律(きりつ)[rules, order], 〔鍛錬によって得られる〕自制[克己(こっき)]心

xiv. free spirit: 自由な精神(の持ち主)、自由に生きる人

xv. mischief: ちゃめっ気、いたずら心

xvi. integrity: 誠実(せいじつ)[sincere, honest, faithful], 廉直(れんちょく)[uprightness], 清廉(せいれん)[purity and unselfishness]

xvii. dignity: 威厳(いげん)[solemnity, gravity], 尊厳(そんげん)

xviii. self-respect: 自尊(じそん)

xix. mentality: 精神、気質(きしつ)[dispostion, character]

xx. creativity: 創造性/力 (そうぞうせい/りょく)、独創性 words for review

xxi. passion: 情熱(じょうねつ)、激情、理性のない感情、好きな道

xxii. (in) vain: むなしい、〔努力などが〕無駄に

xxiii. knowledge: 知識(ちしき)、

xxiv. daydream: 白日夢(はくじつむ)、白昼夢(はくちゅうむ)、夢想(むそう)

xxv. mission: 使命(しめい)、特命(とくめい)、任務(にんむ)[duty, mission, task]


After deciding on your words, the next step is to look up the meaning of each word carefully.

I stress carefully for three main reasons: first, it is important to understand the different forms of a word (noun, adjective, adverb, etc.) While in Japanese it is relatively simple to switch between forms of a word, in English it can be a bit tricky.

Take the word “joy” for example: joy is both a noun and a verb (more commonly used as noun) but it also has such counterparts as joyful, joyous, joyless (adjectives) and joyfully, joyously, joylessly (adverb). Joyful and joyous both mean the same thing, to be or make very happy, but joyous is considered a literary term (meaning used more often in writing).

Joyless means without happiness.






しかしよく似たものとして joyful、 joyous、 joyless (形容詞) 、そしてjoyfully、joyously、 joylessly (副詞)です。 joyful とjoyousは両方とも同じ、とても楽しい気持ちになる、楽しい気持ちでいるという意味ですが、joyousは文学用語と考えられています(ライティングでよく使われているという意味です)。



Second, a word can have more than one meaning.

Take for example, wonder. The word can be used as a verb, noun, and adjective.

Simply stated, the verb form means to think about curiously, the noun form to have a feeling of surprise, admiration and awe, and the adjective means to work effectively or well. For my purpose of study, I already understand how to use wonder as verb and adjective in Japanese so I will not include it but focus rather on the noun.





勉強の目的のため、僕はすでにどのようにwonder を日本語で動詞や形容詞として使うかを理解しているので、それらは含めず、むしろ名詞に焦点を当てることにします。


Thirdly, it is also important to keep in mind that occasionally although the meaning might be the same or similar, the nuance, frequency of use, and contexts a word is used may be different.

Although not in the list, a word that perfectly illustrates this is “nostalgic” which is very often translated into Japanese as 「懐かしい」, although the meaning is basically the same, to have a fond memory of the past, the word is used more frequently and freely in Japanese than in English.





However, with all that being said, you should not allow these complications to hinder your use of a word.

After all, the best way to learn how to use a word is to actually use it. So don’t be afraid that you are using it wrong or in the incorrect form; mistakes are an important part of learning and that’s what we lesson partners are here for.






Having looked up the meaning of the word you want to use, decide what meaning(s) are most relevant for your own conversational purposes.

Then find an example sentence that uses the word you wish to use and expresses the meaning you want.

After that, make your own sentence using the word. Although memorization is an important step in language acquisition, true mastery of a language only begins when you are able to produce your own expressions that reflect your thoughts, feelings or desires and that can be understood by others.

(It is best to say the word aloud, preferably in a sentence or two, so you get to practice its pronunciation as well).





The next step is to study your list.

I plan on simply doing six words a week, one word a day, saving the last day of the week as a review day.

Since most months have 30 or 31 days and I have 25 words and four review days that leaves me with one or two days for review and to decide on my next vocab list.

Currently I only plan to study the one word for 25 minutes when I wake up in the morning, once or twice on the train, and again right before I go to sleep. Ideally, I will have memorized the meaning and at least one if not both of the example sentences by the time I go to bed.

Words I find particularly difficult to remember, I will mark and put more effort into (perhaps placing them in the next month’s list words for review section).








To quickly summarize my method of study


1. Decide on topic/type of conversation you want to have (What kind of conversations do I want to have?)

あなたがしたい会話のトピックやタイプを決める (私はどんな種類の会話をしたいか?)


2. Decide what words you would use in that conversation (What words do I want to use?)

会話の中でどんな言葉を使うのかを決める (私はどの単語を使いたいのか?)


3. Look up the meaning of each word carefully (How can I use this word?)

慎重にそれぞれの単語の意味を調べる (私はどのようにこの単語を使うことができるのか?)


4. Study one word a day + make my own sentence (How do I want to use this word in a conversation?)

1日1語を勉強する+自分の文章を作る (私はどのようにこの単語を会話の中で使いたいのか?)


5. Review (What words am I comfortable with? What words do I have a hard time with?)

復習 (私はどの単語が使いやすいのか? 私はどの単語が難しいのか?)


6. Start back at 1.



I’m not sure how successful this approach will be but I will keep you updated on my progress and other vocabulary building ideas and techniques next month. Please feel free to offer any suggestions, comments or questions.

僕は、このアプローチがどのようにうまくいくのか確かではありません。しかし僕の上達や、単語力構築のアイディア、次の月のテクニックといった最新の情報をお伝えします。 どうぞどんな提案でもコメントや質問でもお気軽にお申し出ください。


Wishing you all the best with your studies.




当ブログは「b わたしの英会話」が運営しています。

「b わたしの英会話」では、まずは独学をキッカケにスタートしてその後、しっかりと学びたい!ということで、通いはじめるお客様は多くいらっしゃいます。






私たち、b わたしの英会話では一緒に働くコンシェルジュ職(カウンセラー)ポジションの募集をしています。英語を使った仕事を通じて、自分のスキルを高めてみたい方、接客の好きな方にピッタリのポジションです。応募されたい方は、こちらのリンクをご参照ください。





