Hello Lesson Members!
From a person who grew up in a tropical country like me, winter season can really be a tough one.
In spite of the cold, there are however a lot of fun and interesting activities that can be done during winter time such as skiing, snow boarding, visiting hot springs and festivals all over Japan and enjoying the snow.
Sometimes, our lesson partners would tell you some of the fun and interesting things they have done this winter time.
I would like to share to you today some phrases that you can use to respond to show your interest or opinion towards what they are speaking about.
A: I went to a local hot spring in Hokkaido last week.
B: Oh, really.
A: Yes, it was great.
We can also say: Is that so? Tell me more. I see.
※Oh really.をこんなふうに言い換えてみることもできますよ!
We can also start our phrase with the word: SOUND and add the following:
“Sounds” – sounds great/ interesting/ wonderful / exciting / relaxing / amazing / fun / cool / excellent / awesome / delicious
※いい話だった時の反応として”SOUND”の後に上記の形容詞をくっつけてみてください! いろんな表現の仕方がありますね!

On the other hand, if you think that what they are talking about doesn’t appeal to you, we can say the following:
“Sounds” – sounds boring / scary / terrible / crazy / weird / uncomfortable / disgusting

Next time, I see you and would tell you about my activities, I hope I can hear you say any of these phrases!
Have fun!