Recently, I had the opportunity to experience Japan’s ladies’ night movie special offered on Wednesday evenings.
What a treat! For only 1000¥ I could see a movie, just for being a lady!
First, I met my friend, Ryoko, for Okonomiyaki in a restaurant near Yurakucho Station.
The food was delicious and the conversation was fun too.
After that, we headed to the movie theater.
Our movie choice: the final movie of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn Part 2.
My overall reaction: I’m glad I didn’t have to spend more than 1000¥ to see the movie.
In other words, I was disappointed.
For one thing, the movie left out many important parts that were covered in the book.
Ryoko couldn’t understand much of the movie because she hadn’t read the book, and afterwards I had to explain many of the parts that were left out.
選んだ映画:「トワイライト・サーガ ブレイキング・ドーン Part2.」の最終章

Secondly, the characters lacked depth of personality and depth of language.
I didn’t feel any connection at all with the characters – not so much as I had for previous movies where I could actually feel more of the romance between Bella and Edward.
The characters just seemed very flat to me.
And lastly, the danger that Bella and Edward faced in the movie, just didn’t seem so dangerous or thrilling.
So, I felt very little suspense throughout the movie.
前回はBella とEdwardとのロマンスの内容だったけど、今回のものはこれにほとんど関係していないように思えたし、とても平凡なものにも感じたわ。
最後の一つは、Bella とEdward達が戦う危険なシーンだって、それほどスリリングなものにも見えなかったわ。
I thought the best part was the ending actually.
In the end, scenes from the past movies were shown while touching music played.
So I felt compelled to reminisce about the story of Belle and Edward.
That part I liked.
And I also liked the ending credits where they showed each of the characters & their names, so I could see who played which characters from the book.
Those parts were interesting.
それではっきりとBella とEdwardの物語を思い出させられたの。
If you have an interest in the Twilight series, I would recommend reading the books first and then watching the movies.
Here are some movie quotes that you might be interested in:
Bella: “After eighteen years of being utterly ordinary, I finally found that I could shine.”
To “shine” means to be noticed and to do something well.
Bella: “My time as a human was over. But I never felt more alive, I was born to be a vampire.
To “feel alive” means to feel you are living your life’s purpose; to be full of life, full of activity.
“Born to be (something)” means to be destined to do something from the time you were born. You were born for this purpose.
“Born to be (something)”・・・・
Jacob: “Alright, take a whiff.”
To “take a whiff” means to smell.
take a whiff”・・・
Jacob: “If your mom pisses you off, you don’t wanna tear her head off.”
To “piss someone off” means to make them angry.
“piss someone off”
*Be careful, because this phrase is fairly vulgar. I rarely use this phrase & would only use it with very close friends. Never with a coworker, boss, or customer. But it is often used in movies, so that’s why I’m sharing it.
Edward: “I’m going to get the water running.” (when talking about a bath)
To “get the water running” means to prepare the bathtub with warm water.
get the water running