Recently a friend of mine asked me to explain how to use “wanna” in a sentence and I thought it would make a good conversation topic.
“Wanna” is actually something called an informal contraction.
There are many informal contractions that we use in spoken English.
For example, wanna is a short form of “want to”.
If you say “want to” very fast, without carefully pronouncing each word, then it can sound like “wanna”.
The best way I could describe it from a Japanese language standpoint is the word おはようございます。
Sometimes I hear people say “ざいます” instead of おはようございます。
This is because the speaker is saying it so quickly that they drop the beginning part of the phrase.
This is similar to using informal contractions in English.
例えば、「wanna」は「want to」の短縮形よ。」もし「want to」をそれぞれの語の発音に気をつけずに早く言うと、「wanna(ワナ)」といっているように聞こえるの。
Now these are informal contractions, so, we do not use them in “correct” speech, and we almost never use them in writing.
If you do see them in writing, it is probably because the writer wants you to understand more about how the person is speaking.
We typically use informal contractions when speaking fast and casually, for example with friends.
■Wanna(ワナ) = want to / want a ~したい/~が欲しい
I wanna coffee. = I want a coffee. コーヒーが欲しい。
I wanna go home. = I want to go home. 家に帰りたい。
■Gotta(ガッタ) = (have) got a / (have) got to ~を持っている/~しなければならない
Have you gotta car? = Have you got a car? 車を手に入れた?
I’ve gotta go now. = I have got to go now. もう行かなきゃ。
■Gonna(ゴナ/ガナ) – going to ~しようとしている、するつもりだ
What are you gonna do? = What are you going to do? (これから)何するの?/どうするの?
I’m gonna wait for you at the train station. = I am going to wait for you at the train station. (これから)駅で待ってるね。
■Gimme(ギンミー) – give me ください
Gimme a minute. = Give me a minute. (this phrase means please wait) 時間を少しください。(このフレーズは「待って」という意味)
Gimme your cell phone. = Give me your cell phone. 携帯貸して。
■Kinda (カインダ)= kind of ~のようなたぐいの人[もの]、〈話〉ある程度、多少、ちょっと
What kinda food do you like? = What kind of food do you like? どんな食べ物が好き?
She looks kinda cold. = She looks kind of cold. 彼女ちょっと寒そうだね。
■Hafta (ハフタ)= have to ~する必要がある、~すべきである
What do you hafta do today? = What do you have to do today? 今日は何をしなければいけないの?
You don’t hafta buy dinner. = You don’t have to buy dinner. 夜ご飯買わなくてもいいよ。
■Lemme (レンミー)= let me ~させて
Lemme use your cell phone. = Let me use your cell phone. あなたの携帯を使わせてください。
Lemme do my homework first and then we can go to the movie. = Let me do my homework first and then we can go to the movie. 最初に宿題をやらせてください、そうしたら映画を観に行けるから。
■till(ティル) = until ~まで
I hafta work ‘till noon today. = I have to work until noon today. 今日は正午まで働かなきゃ。
’ll be in America ‘till Friday. = I will be in America until Friday. 金曜日までアメリカにいるわ。
■Needta / Needa (ニーダ)= need to / need a ~する必要がある/~が必要である
What do ya needta do today? = What do you need to do today? 今日は何をする必要があるの?
I needa new battery for my computer. = I need a new battery for my computer. コンピューターに新しいバッテリーが必要だわ。
■Init(イニット) = isn’t it ~じゃない?
It’s cold outside today, init? = It is cold outside today, isn’t it? 今日外寒くない?
Init your birthday today? = Isn’t it your birthday today? 今日誕生日でしょ?
We also might use other contractions in the same sentence with those above.
Do you want a beer? ビール欲しい?
Do you wanna beer?
D’you wanna beer?
D’ya wanna beer?
Ya wanna beer?
Wanna beer?
And, just for fun, here are some famous song lyrics and movie lines using information contractions:
Black Eyed Peas (song lyrics) -ブラックアイドピース(歌詞)
“ I gotta feeling….that tonight’s gonna be a good night.”
= I have got a feeling…that tonight is going to be a good night.
John McLane (in the movie Die Hard) – ジョン・マクレーン(映画ダイハードより)
“Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister.”
= Nine million terrorists in the world and I have got to kill one with feet smaller than my sister.
The Beatles (song lyrics) – ビートルズ(歌詞)
“I wanna hold your hand”
= I want to hold your hand
Forrest Gump (in the movie Forrest Gump) – フォレスト・ガンプ(映画フォレスト・ガンプより)
“My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
= “My mother always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates.You never know what you are going to get.
Michael Jackson (song lyrics) – マイケル・ジャクソン(歌詞)
‘Cause this is thriller, thriller night. And no one’s gonna save you from the beast about [to] strike”
= Because this is thriller, thriller night. And no one’s going to save you from the beast about [to] strike

Jack (in the movie Titanic) – ジャック(映画タイタニックより)
“Gimme your hand, I’ll pull you back up!”
= Give me your hand, I’ll pull you back up! 手を貸して、引き戻すから!
Katie Perry (song lyrics) – ケイティ・ペリー(歌詞)
“ Before you met me, I was alright but things were kinda heavy, you brought me to life”
= Before you met me, I was alright but things were kind of heavy, you brought me to life
Zazu & Timon (in the movie The Lion King) – ザズー&ティモン(映画ライオンキングより)
Zazu: [cages while the battle rages around him] Let me out! Let me out!
Timon: [fleeing the hyenas] Lemme in! Lemme in!
= Zazu: [cages while the battle rages around him] Let me out! Let me out!
= Timon: [fleeing the hyenas] Let me in! Let me in!
