I grew up in New York city.
Believe it or not it was a lot like growing up in a small town.
New York city is made up of small neighborhoods, each with distinctive character and usually made up of ethnic or cultural groups.
Mine was Italian.
Everybody knew everybody in the neighborhood and the mothers would sit outside on the front stoop in the summer time and talk to each other.
They would also keep an eye out on all the neighborhood kids and so if you did something bad, your mom would find out fast. Still that didn't stop us from being wild kids.
When I was a kid, we were all into skateboarding.
It was as though we lived on the things.
We would cruise all over the place, eat our lunch on our skateboards, trade superhero comic books, sometimes we would do what was called "bombing".
Bombing is when a kid takes his skateboard to the top of a big hill and rides the skateboard straight down.
It is very scary! But you can't jump off if you get scared, you have to ride it out all the way through to the end.
Sometimes I am amazed I survived growing up.
The truth is though we felt very safe.
Even though one or two of my neighbors might have been in the mafia (well, not maybe or might, 100 percent for sure), most of the people were decent hard working types who went to church every Sunday.
The only churches were Catholic churches and people took all the sacraments very seriously.
My first holy communion was a solemn occasion, my younger sister and I both wore all white clothes, my sister a veil over her face, both of us clutching rosary beads in our hands.
We had to remember the answers to many questions before the priest gave us the OK to receive our first holy communion.
All the parents in the neighborhood whose kids were also getting first communion gathered outside the church after the mass and everybody looked so happy.

By sixteen I had developed an intense interest in psychology.
My high school offered a lot of extra classes with special subjects and when I took a class in psychology something just really clicked for me.
I remember listening to my teacher and thinking, finally I know what I am good at, I know who I am, I am a person who asks all these questions. I realized that psychology did formally what I had been doing for years naturally.
Later when I started to work in a hospital in a psychiatric nursing unit, my boss said to me after just a few weeks on the job, that I was the same as him. I asked him what he meant and he said, when normal people see a big dark hole in the ground, they avoid it. But people like him and me feel we have to crawl down inside it and go exploring.
Wow, so many years later now, I feel this was the truest thing anyone ever said about me.
I want to tell you more about my adventures in the hospital working with patients and also about my love affair with Japanese culture that grew up in my new home in San Francisco, I also want to tell you about my second career as an English teacher in Japan.
But that will have to wait until my next blog entry or if you really want to know please come to my lesson and ask me.
Anyway come to my lesson!
I really want to know about you and I think I have learned many things to help you improve your English.
See you soon OK?