*Happy new year!*
Hello and happy new year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful winter
vacation. This year for my winter vacation I went back to England for the
first time in 2 years.
I had quite a surprise on the plane back home. I already knew my co worker was going to be on the same plane and another of my friends too however about half way over Russia I suddenly met someone who lives in the same guesthouse as me too, what a coincidence!
I arrived at London Heathrow to be met by my parents and my best friend back home. It was a very nice reunion. We drove back to my hometown had a quick dinner and then I immediately fell asleep (I find it very difficult to sleep on an airplane.)
A lot had changed back in my hometown. There were new shops that were not there before and some old shops I wanted to go to had unfortunately closed down, it didn’t stop me from doing a LOT of shopping though.
It was nice having a traditional british christmas with my family again.
We opened our presents in the morning and then spent the day eating chocolate, having a traditional christmas dinner (turkey with potatoes and vegetables) and napping a lot through the day.

In England the day have christmas day (December 26th) is called boxing day. I am not really sure why it is called boxing day, but I did read somewhere on the internet that it may be because, many years ago, on
December 26th the master of a house would give presents to the servants in small boxes. (Don’t quote me on that though.)
On boxing day in my house we always have a party which starts about 11am and continues into the night. We have lots of food, play games and have some drinks together and this year was no exception! It was a wonderful day.
For new year I stayed with a friend in London and we had a small party at his house. We had a delicious stew my friend made and then played games and then at midnight we watched the London fireworks from my friends house.
After 2 fun filled weeks I returned to Japan and was happy to be home. However for nearly 2 weeks I had terrible jet lag and woke up at about 4.30 am everyday, it was worth it though!