Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are all enjoying Golden-Week. For those who don’t have any time-off from work, at least we are not stuck in a traffic jam or a crowded beach??!
I would like to take this opportunity to quickly introduce myself! My name is Yuma, and I have been working at B-cafe for about two weeks. I’m really enjoying my time here, and looking forwards to meeting many of you!
My mother is Japanese and my father is English, I was born in America, moved to France, and then to the United Kingdom, and then to Japan. Confusing, isn’t it?
I always have trouble answering the question ‘ where are you from’, because I get confused myself!
In 2008, I came to Japan and headed up north to Hokkaido in order to study drama in Furano. Do you know Furano? The city of Furano is known to be the belly of Hokkaido (Heso no machi), and they have an interesting festival called the Belly Button festival (Heso-Matsuri), where many local teams compete in a belly-dance ( quite different from the arabian belly dance).
Well, my drama school ( if I can call it a school) was an interesting experience. Do you know Furano Juku? It is a school directed by a renowned japanese script/ playwright Soh Kuramoto. Furano Juku was more a commune than a school. The education fee was free, however, all the student had to work on local farms to make a living, and all earnings were shared by the school to run the school! The director believed that the students should live an ecological and self-sustaining life style while studying with him. I am not sure how much I have learned in terms of ‘acting’ in Furano Juku, but I know that my basic physical fitness level has improved!
わたしのドラマの学校は(ここでは学校と呼んでいいかしら?)とっても楽しい経験だったわ。富良野塾って知ってますか? 脚本家として有名な倉本聰さんによって創立されたの。富良野塾は普通の学校よりももっと生活を共にした環境なの。(注:commune=地方の小規模な生活共同体で、共同で作業を行い、収入や場合によっては財産を共有する。)受講料は無料だけれども、すべての生徒は生計を立てるため現地の農場で働かなくてはいけなくて、全ての収入は学校の運営費として学校に割り当てられるの。倉本さんは生徒達は彼と一緒に勉強しているときは環境に優しく自立した生活を送るべきだと信じているの。

Well, it would take me pages and ages to recount my adventures in Furano, but for those of you who are curious, please check out the Furano Juku related web link:-
Last year I took part in Furano Group’s play ‘Kikoku’, which will be present again this coming summer in Furano and various other regions in Japan. I really recommend the play. The montage is beautiful.
As you can see, I am a big fan of drama and the theater. Please feel free to discuss with me any new films, dramas, and shows you have seen!