Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing OK, especially after the big
earthquake. I haven't written a blog entry in some time, so I thought I
would share a little bit about my trip home.
I had been planning to go home since January, so it was merely coincidental
that I was returning home after the big earthquake hit Japan. However, it was a great relief to see my family and friends. It was also great to
return to a place of calm. My hometown of Pasadena(more specifically the
northern area called Altadena) is surrounded by nature that it is not rare
to see coyotes, deer, and other wild animals roaming freely around the

One of my favorite past times is meeting my friends and going on hikes on a path near my house. The one thing about Altadena is that you can get lost
in the woods and forget that the city and noise is right outside. In an
attempt to "be healthy" during my trip, I gathered my close friends and set out on the hiking trail, hiking for a few hours and swimming in the river where permitted.
Another aspect of my attempt to "be healthy" was avoiding all meat. Some of you may know that I was a strict vegetarian before coming to Japan. In
America there is a wide variety of products made from soy- soy chicken,
beef, turkey, hamburgers, ice cream, etc.- that are so flavorful that you
forget that you are not eating meat or anything from an animal. My family
especially loves to dig into a nice big "tofurkey" (imitation turkey meat
made from tofu) during thanksgiving. So at home I indulged in all that
heavenly soy goodness. I also resolved right then and there that I would
not touch a piece of meat again. I have been good so far!
After spending five days in Pasadena I headed to the exact opposite of
calm. I spent a few days staying with my sister, brother-in-law, and
incredibly cute nephew in Washington D.C. I had briefly lived in D.C. when
I was in college, but this time it felt completely different. Aside from
the obvious noise that comes from living in the city, I noticed that D.C.
has become incredibly congested with cars. Parking is even harder to come
by. However, it is great to have a car when it comes to shopping since all
the affordable grocery stores are located in neighboring states.
There were two things I wanted to do while there, eat cupcakes and see
cherry blossoms, both of which I got to do! It was quite interesting to
experience hanami outside of Japan. Though it is not nearly as festive as
it is in Japan, the area was crowded with tourists. Doing as I would
naturally do when surrounded by cherry blossom, I bought some food
(vegetarian- friendly sushi) and beer and found a tree to sit under and
stared at the beauty of my surroundings.
So this is my vacation in a nutshell. If you want to know more about my
hometown or more about soy meat, feel free to ask!