Hello everyone!
I hope you and your families are all well after the earthquake and
subsequent issues that followed such a terrible natural disaster.
However, the time has come again for Hanami season- and this year,
I feel,it means so much more to us all than ever before. The arrival of the blossoms signify spring time in Japan, but this year it also indicates that, despite the devastating events of the last few weeks, we must remember to stay positive and thankful.
桜の開花は日本では春が始まるとういう重要なものだけど、今年はここ2,3週 間の壊滅的な災害にも関わらず、その桜の開花によって私たちは感謝の気持ちや ポジティブでいることを思い出させてくれたわ。
So, where is your favourite Hanami Hotspot in Japan?
Many people love to go to Yoyogi park, with a big group of friends, blue
tarpaulin, yummy food and, of course, drinks!
Other people just like to go for a walk, with friends or partners, and frolic amongst the beautiful flowers.
その他、ただ公園を友達やカップルで歩いたり、あとは美しい花々の中ではしゃ いでいる人たちがいたり。
What's your best Hanami memory and why? I'd love for you to tell me about it next time we meet.
This year, I heard Tokyo Metropolitan Government have asked people to not host Hanami parties out of respect for people who lost everything in the earthquake. Have you heard this rumour too?
I'm not sure if it's true, but for now I've got a Starbucks Sakura drink and I'm taking photos in Inokashira park- and reflecting on how lucky we are!
今年は、東京都庁は人々に震災で全てを失ってしまった方々を敬うために花見は しないようにと声をかけたと聞いたわ。みなさんもそんな噂を聞いたかしら?
これが本当かどうかは分からないけど、私は今のところはスターバックスのサク ラドリンクを手にして、吉祥寺の井の頭公園で桜の写真を撮れることをなんて幸運なん だろうとポジティブに考えるわ!

I look forward to seeing you all soon and hearing about your Hanami
Take care