Hey Everyone, This is my first blog and just wanted to let all the members
I’ve been meeting know how much fun I’ve had talking to and getting to know you.
You may be learning English but you’re teaching me all about Japanese history, culture, food etc.. It is seriously a pleasure for me to come to work and hear what’s on your mind.
As a someone who has learned and is still learning new languages, I understand that it is a daunting task ,and you may feel discouraged sometimes. Thank you for trying your best. Please never feel embarrassed by your efforts. If you keep trying to talk you’ll succeed. I hope I can help you as your English gets better and better.
Of course before you tell me all about yourself in English you might want to know something about me right? Okay well here’s my brief history.
When I was young I never thought I would wind up living in Japan. I was born in the state of New Hampshire in the northeastern part of the U.S.A.
The Town I grew up in was only 4000 people!

Since there were so few people I spent a lot of time when I was young doing things outdoors. I learned to love Hiking, Rock Climbing, Kayaking and Snowboarding.
Naturally my first job was at a State Wildlife Preserve, where I was outside all the time, climbing mountains, cutting trees and other fun outdoor stuff.
Around the same time my sister and I decided it might be fun to start a business. Since we had no money and hadn’t gone to college yet we didn’t have a lot of options, but we both loved cooking. So we started a catering business, selling pies and cookies and cakes and breads to local coffee-shops and offices. It was so much fun that I decided to work in a
Restaurant just so I could learn more about cooking, so for the next three years I worked in a Restaurant. It was really fun and if you ever want to give me some of your favorite recipes please feel free!
After some time passed I had an opportunity to move from New Hampshire to
New York City. I moved there and for 6 years I lived in Brooklyn and
Queens, working as a Painter and Designer.. and well my brief history is getting a little too long.. but living in NYC was really a new life from living in the country.
There was food from around the world, and people from around the world and lots of great music and art etc..
Somewhere in my new life in NYC I met a girl from Tokyo and the rest is history.. Now I’m married and living in another huge and interesting city.
So that’s the short version of my story , I look forward to meeting you and learning about your story.