February 14th is Valentine's Day.

In western countries, Valentine's Day, men give flowers and gifts to women. Couples usually enjoy dinner at a romantic restaurant. We usually give a Valentine's Day card that says “Be mine!” or “Be My Valentine!” If a boy likes a girl, he might try to win her heart by giving her a chocolate and asking her “Would you be my Valentine?”
欧米では、男性が女性に花束やプレゼントをあげる日なんだ。カップルはたいてい素敵なレストランで食事を楽しんだりするんだよ。そして、”Be mine!”とか”Be my Valentine!”て書いたバレンタインカードを渡す。男の子が女の子に気がある場合、男の子はチョコレートをプレゼントして「僕のバレンタインになってくれますか?」と言って、女の子の心を掴もうする日なんだよ。
There is no White Day in America or Europe. Valentine's Day is a couple's holiday. But girls usually get all the good stuff!
In the Roman Empire, there was a big festival from February 13 to February 15. It was called Lupercalia. It was a fertility festival. Families prayed to the god Lupercus for children.
In the 300's, the Roman Empire started to become Christian. In the Late Roman Empire, the name Valentinus was very popular for men. And in 496, the pope made February 14th the feast day of St. Valentine. But there were at least 3 St. Valentines – and all of them are a mystery. We only know their names.
But these mysterious St. Valentines were all killed. They were martyrs. People said they were very brave and strong because valens means strong and manly in Latin. But there was no connection to romantic love.
In the 1400's in England, men started to use February 14 as a day to find a new love. In those days, people didn't date. Meeting a girl was a very formal event. He would bring flowers and food and meet her for the first time. He might even ask the father if it was OK to marry her!
Because nobody knew anything about St. Valentine – maybe he wasn't a real person – the Catholic Church de-sainted him in the 1960's. So St. Valentine's Day became Valentine's Day and it is actually incorrect to say St. Valentine.
While some people like Valentine's Day, there are many people who hate it. Single people often have Anti-Valentine's Day parties.
Also, Valentine's Day is called a Hallmark Holiday because it is not a real holiday. Hallmark is a famous company that sells cards. People say it is just a way for companies to make a lot of money at the expensive of couples and (sometimes) broken hearts!
Now, what do you think about Valentine's Day?
win her heart – 心を掴む
Roman Empire – ローマ帝国
fertility festival – 豊穣と授精の祭り
Late Roman Empire – 帝政ローマ末期
pope – ローマ法王
they were all killed – 皆殺された
at least – 少なくとも
feast day – 聖人暦
martyr – 殉教者
romantic love – ロマンチックな愛
to saint someone (canonize) – 列聖する
to de-saint someone (de-canonize) – 非列聖する
anti-Valentine's Day party – バレンタイン反対会
miserable – 惨め
Hallmark Holiday – 販促に利用される記念日
at the expense of – ~を犠牲にして