Yeay, it's December!
I love, love, love Christmas! I've been doing a lot of shopping recently,
trying to find suitable presents to send home in time for Christmas Day.
Although not spending Christmas with my family is going to be difficult,
I'm looking forward to enjoying Christmas in Tokyo with my boyfriend and
friends. We are planning to have the traditional Turkey and Ham dinner that
we eat in Ireland. Unfortunately we don't have an oven so we will have to
order in the Turkey!
How do you spend Christmas?
We start the day with opening the presents that have been waiting under the Christmas tree for so long. It's always a fun occasion, no matter what age you are! Christmas, for my family, is all about making the dinner. It's a big deal. We all have our roles within the family. I am always in charge of the dessert – a very important job!! My mum looks after the turkey and the *stuffing, my dad makes the *roast ham and my 3 sisters set the table, make the *gravy and prepare the roast vegetables.
私達はクリスマスツリーの下で、長い間待ちに待ったプレゼントを開けることから始めるの。いくつになっても楽しい出来事よ! 私の家族にとってのクリスマスはディナーを作ることがすべてで、それはとても大切な決まりごと。それぞれの役割があって、私はいつもデザート担当。とっても重要な仕事よ!!ママは七面鳥担当で詰め物をし、パパはローストハムを。3人の姉妹は食卓のテッティングとグレイビーソースとローストベジタブルの準備をするの。
We all sit down around 3 p.m. to enjoy the meal, pull crackers, wear paper
hats and tell bad jokes. After Christmas dinner we are too *stuffed to do
anything but sit in front of the fire and watch Christmas films on TV.

Christmas in Ireland is a great time of year. We are planning to take some
of the elements of our traditional Christmas and celebrate them here in
Tokyo, however, we want to experience some of the traditional Japanese
Christmas! What should we do? I'd love to find out what Christmas means to you and how you celebrate it.
Thanks for reading,Happy December everyone!
Do you know these Christmas classics?
Stuffing = Seasoned bread crumbs or other filling used to stuff a turkey,
before cooking. (my favourite!)
Roast ham = A joint of ham that is usually covered in honey and cloves
before being put in the oven. (I always make myself hungry by talking about
The gravy = This is made from the turkey juices. Not very healthy but very
Roasties = Slang for roast potatoes
I'm stuffed! = I'm very full!