Hello everyone, my name is Gordon !

Hello everyone, my name is Gordon and I started working at 'b' this month as a new lesson partner.



This will be my first blog so I thought it would be good to introduce myself to the members who might be learning with English with me in the future.



I was born and raised in a small town in Canada. Actually, my passport lists my birthplace as 'Tiny Can'… but the town is slightly bigger than that! It has a long and difficult to pronounce name, even other Canadians struggle with “Penetanguishene”, which means “place of white rolling sands” in the language of the Wyandot people, the first settlers of that region.

僕はカナダの小さな町で生まれ育ったんだ。 実際に、僕のパスポートの出生地の欄には‘Tiny Can’(小さなカン)って書かれているんだよ。でもその町はカンよりは少し大きいかな。(笑)


My hometown is located beside Georgian Bay on Lake Huron, one of the five Great Lakes in Canada. From an early age I have explored nature; boating in the summer, hiking in the fall, skiing in the winter, or camping in the spring. I kept trying to find more excuses to get outside! Growing up in Canada I was exposed to French from an early age and continued learning it through high school culminating in a three month homestay in Geneva, Switzerland when I was 16.

幼い頃から、その自然を満喫してきたよ。夏にはボート、滝をハイキング、冬にはスキーをして、春になるとキャンプもしたよ。 僕はいつも外で遊ぶ口実を探していたんだ!


When I finished university I thought living in Vancouver would be fun, and it was! I spent a year skiing, hiking, kayaking, and mountain climbing around lower British Columbia. Wanting to keep traveling, I saw Japan as a place where I could continue teaching while exploring the natural beauty of the county and visiting other countries in Asia. Finding a job as an Assistant Language Teacher and moving to Japan seemed like a blur it happened so fast.



I spent my first year in Miyako, Iwate. As someone who never studied Japanese the most difficult part of my life there was daily activities – cooking, cleaning, shopping, and accessing services in English. Luckily, Iwate has an abundance of nature and beautiful mountains, forests, rivers, and the ocean for me to explore with my new Japanese and teacher friends. Although it was difficult, Iwate taught me a lot about life in Japan and I was appreciative of the welcoming and friendly community atmosphere from my neighbours and coworkers.



Next, I moved to Hiroshima for four months. Although a short stay, to live in a historical and interesting city was a special experience for me. Every weekend I found myself gravitating towards the Peace Park. Meeting friends or just reading surrounded by the tranquility of that place. I also discovered my love of Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki! With a new job in the Kanto area, Tokyo and Saitama have been my home for the past two years. I still teach at elementary and junior high school during the week. My students are a lot of fun and teaching them is really rewarding for me.



In between teaching and moving around Japan I have made time to visit many places in this country and Asia. The snow festival in Sapporo, a typhoon in Okinawa, or the rainy days of Fuji Rock Festival in Niigata have shown me many sides of Japan. I've spent a month in China, a week in Korea, Thailand, and Cambodia and visited Taiwan all during the past three years. Each was unique and the memories and friendships that I made will last a lifetime. Of all five, my favourite was Cambodia. If you like learning about history and eating good food while off the beaten path, I recommend it!

教師として働き、引越しをしたりしていた合間に、日本国内のあらゆる場所やアジアの国々にも行ったよ。札幌の雪祭り、台風の沖縄、新潟で行われた雨の中のFuji Rock Festivalなど、日本の色々な顔を見ることができたよ。この3年間で、中国に1ヶ月滞在したり、韓国、タイ、カンボジア、台湾にも行ったんだ。それぞれの国はとてもユニークで、そこで出会った友達との関係はずっと続いていくと思うし、思い出も忘れるとはないと思う。訪れた国のなかでは、カンボジアが一番気に入ったよ。もし歴史や食べ物について穴場を知りたかったら、僕が教えるからね!


Tokyo has been a cacophony of sights, sounds, smells, food, friends, and activities. I try to get out into nature as much as I can, but with all the interesting things of the city beckoning me it has been hard! My plans this winter are to get out skiing three times to three different areas in Japan. If you have any recommendations, please let me know!



Well, that's a short introduction that I hope you found interesting. I hope to continue meeting interesting people at 'b' and look forward to getting to know the new members that learn English with me.






当ブログは「b わたしの英会話」が運営しています。

「b わたしの英会話」では、まずは独学をキッカケにスタートしてその後、しっかりと学びたい!ということで、通いはじめるお客様は多くいらっしゃいます。






私たち、b わたしの英会話では一緒に働くコンシェルジュ職(カウンセラー)ポジションの募集をしています。英語を使った仕事を通じて、自分のスキルを高めてみたい方、接客の好きな方にピッタリのポジションです。応募されたい方は、こちらのリンクをご参照ください。


b わたしの英会話が運営する恋と仕事に効く英語執筆チームです。スクールで勤務するカウンセラー、外国人講師、そして、その他スタッフがお客様サポートを通じて「あ、このフレーズ使える!」「これって英語でなんていうんだろう?」と疑問に思ったことを記事を通じて解説しています。




