Dear b members,
How are things? I hope that you are all well.
It has been a while since I wrote my last blog so I thought I’d let you all know what has been going on.
Recently, I went back to England again for a short, 6 day break to attend my father’s second wedding. I didn’t tell my father that I was coming back to the UK for his wedding and he was really surprised when I turned up at his front door two days before the ceremony!
The weather in England was quite warm but not humid like here in Japan so the change was nice. My father hired a van and we all drove down to Cornwall, an area in the south-west of the UK, to have the wedding ceremony. My father and his new wife chose the southernmost point of England to hold their wedding, a place called ‘The Lizard’ – named for it’s serpentine and windy coastline.
イギリスはとても暖かかったけど、日本みたいに湿気がないから、それは良かった。父がバンを借りて、僕らは結婚式を行うイギリス南西部のコーンウォールまで車で行ったんだ。父と彼の新しい奥さんは、結婚式をするのにこのイギリス最南端の地を選んだのさ。ちなみに、コーンウォールは“The Lizard(トカゲ)”って呼ばれているんだよ!海岸線が蛇のようにくねくねしてて風が強く吹くから、そう呼ばれてるのさ。
The hotel that we stayed at was beautiful and was right on the edge of a cliff! When you woke up in the morning you could literally look down into the sea!

As Cornwall has many open and remote spaces it was a perfect place to relax and recharge our batteries.
After a night of chatting and eating in the hotel (I ate freshly caught fish and chips) we retired to bed as we had an early start the next morning. For the wedding ceremony, my father had chosen to wear a traditional Scottish dress called a kilt- he chose this style of outfit because he said that he wanted something unusual for his wedding day (we aren’t Scottish at all!). I also wore a kilt along with my cousin, and my father’s wife wore a beautiful long, white dress that had an elegant and simple design.

This was actually my first time wearing a kilt. The complete outfit consisted of the kilt itself, a white shirt, red cravat, waistcoat, outer jacket, knee high socks with tassels and simple black shoes. I also wore a hanging purse around my waist called a sporran, which is where I kept my mobile phone and wallet. The weather was about 32 degrees on that day so I was sweating quite a lot but it was still fun to wear the outfit.
As well as being one of the best men at the wedding I was also the wedding photographer, so I took many photographs of the event.
After an initial photo session in the hotel gardens, everyone drove to the local registry office to sign the couple as married under English law. After that we drove to another small church nearby to have a blessing, which is a ceremony performed by a vicar (a kind of priest) to seal the marriage in front of God. The church itself was small and very old, but the architecture was very beautiful.
When the blessing was over we were piped out by a traditional Scottish bagpiper who played the theme from the movie ‘Braveheart’. It was amazing to see the piper in full regalia!
We then went back to the hotel for more photos by the coast and for a delicious, Mediterranean-themed buffet lunch with the guests.
All-in-all it was a great holiday and it was thoroughly enjoyable to catch up with friends and family for the wedding! Most of all it was great to see my dog Sakura again!

Have you been to any weddings lately? What was it like? Also, what do you think of me in a kilt?
みんなは最近結婚式に出席したかい?それはどんなだった? あと、キルトを着た僕はどう?
I’m looking forward to catching up soon at b!
Take care!