The start of the rainy season has been officially declared in the Kanto
area. We are now experiencing very changeable weather … the only constant
being that it is hot and humid.
今僕達は変わりやすい天気の中過ごしているね‥ 変わらずに続いているのは
The coming of the rainy season has seen the department stores displaying a
vast array of colorful and decorative umbrellas, while rain boots are
becoming an increasing sight in the city.

Aside from being a reason for people to diversify their wardrobes, the
rainy season is a delight for rice farmers. They do not need to irrigate
their fields as frequently but rather let nature take over. The rainy
season also sees the rivers swell and the and the lushness of the forests
and green areas return.
The rainy season will soon be declared over so to celebrate another of
Japan`s seasons, I have included some rain related phrases and idioms below.

"raining cats and dogs."– when it is raining cats and dogs, it is raining very hard.
雨がcats and dogsのように降っている時というのは、雨がとても強く降っていること。
Sarah: When I left home this morning, it was raining cats and dogs. It was
awful. I got drenched.
Louise: Yes, apparently it was the remnants of a typhoon.
Sarah: 今朝家を出てきたとき、雨がどしゃぶりだったよ。ひどかったよ。ずぶぬれになっちゃったよ。
Louise: うん、どうやら台風の残りのようだね。
"it "never rains but it pours."– this means that bad (or good) things do not
just happen a few at a time, but in large numbers all at once.
William: Hey Peter, your proposal was rejected by the management.
Peter: What!?!. First I lose my phone, then my team in the office
sweep stake are knocked out of the World Cup, I am in big trouble for
forgetting my girlfriend`s birthday and now this!!!
William: I guess it never rains but it pours, huh?!
William: ピーター、あなたの企画書はマネジメントに通らなかったよ。
Peter: えーっ?! 携帯をなくしちゃうし、それで僕の賭けたワールドカップのチームは
William: 多分二度あることは三度あるってことじゃない?!
"not"knowenoughtocome"not"know enough to come in out of the rain"
not know enough to come in out of the rain – if some does not know enough
to come in out of the rain, they are not very wise
Amy: Why does Louise always pick the same kind of guy? She will get hurt
again, they always treat her badly.
Fiona: With regard to men she doesn`t know enough to come in out of the
rain. Did you expect any different this time?
Amy: なぜLouisはいつも同じような男性を好きになるの?
rainsomething out–[for the weather] to spoil something by raining.
rain something out
John: Our plan to have a picnic in Shinjuku Gyoen was rained out last
David: Oh no.
John: 新宿御苑でのピクニックの私達の計画は雨によって先週ダメになったわ。
David: あらら。
to take a rain check (on something)– is to ask someone to reissue an
invitation at a later date (it is said to someone who has invited you to
something that you cannot attend now, but would like to attend at a later
to take a rain check (on something)
Emily: Hey Amy, do you want to come round to my new apartment tonight? We
can have tea and watch the sun set.
Amy: It sounds wonderful but can I take a rain check? Tonight, I am going
to my sisters birthday party.
Emily: Amy,今夜私の新しいアパートに来ない?お茶を準備するわ、サンセットを見ることができるのよ。
Amy: とてもよさそうね、けど他の日にできない?今夜妹の誕生日パーティーに行くのよ。
rain onsomeone's parade– to rain on someone's parade is to spoil/ruin
something for someone.
rain on someone's parade
James: Did you know that Katie is having a party to celebrate her
Tom: Her promotion is not a great result – I heard that there was no real
competition for promotion this year. It was a poor year in terms of talent.
She is the best of the worst!!!
James: Hey, there is no need to rain on her parade!!
James: Katieが昇格のお祝いパーティーをするって知ってた?
Tom: 彼女の昇格は良い結果ではないよ。今年は昇格のための本物の協議会はなかったと聞いたよ。
James: じゃあ、彼女のパーティーを台なしにする必要もないな!!
be as right as rain– if someone feels as right as rain they feel very well
be as right as rain
Reporter: How do you feel after missing most of last season through injury?
Athlete: I feel as right as rain. I want to start winning again.
Reporter: 怪我のため最後のシーズンは殆ど(試合)にでれなかった後体調はどうですか?
Athlete: とても良くなったよ。また勝つために(練習を)始めたいよ。
mean you will do it whatever happens
(come) rain or shine –
Director: Do you realize many of your policies are not popular with
Chief Executive: For the long-term, we have to implement these ideas come
rain or shine.
Director: 君の沢山の政策が株主達にはあまり人気がないと自覚したかい?
Chief Executive: 長い期間で見たら、私達はこれらのアイディアを
============================================================(something) rains down (on someone/something)– when (something) rains down
(on someone/something) it means that something falls or is dealt upon
someone or something
(something) rains down (on someone/something)
After her first night at the theater, criticism rained down.
Bombs rained down on the city`s streets.
Well, after leaving my last umbrella on the train – I am off to look for a
new one.