Hi B Members,
My name is Courtney and this is my first week working at B Cafe and my first blog!
I have met only a small amount of members so far and I really look forward to meeting many more of you soon!
Summer is almost upon us and i can't wait! Summer is my favourite month
And I'm going to tell you why in this blog!
So summer in Scotland (where I'm from) is usually a little warm but the weather can be quite changeable… People from Edinburgh sometimes describe
it being like '4 seasons in 1 day', which means it can rain, then there
Is beautiful sunshine, snow a little and feel warm- ALL ON THE SAME DAY!
I know, very strange! Tokyo's summer is very, very hot and humid, which
Is obviously very different to Scotland, but this means its time to go to the outdoor swimming pool or to the beach. Which I really enjoy. Do you enjoy the beach?
とっても変でしょ! 東京の夏はとってもとっても暑くてムシムシするわよね。
Summer in Japan also means that its music festival time! For example,
Summer Sonic or Fuji Rock. I have been to Summer Sonic for the last 2 years and loved it both times! I have been able to listen to The Prodigy, The
Ting Tings and Lady Gaga all live. There is soon to be the Big Beach Festival in Chiba also, I have a ticket but haven't decided whether or not to go yet. Have you been to any music festivals in Japan? What kind of music do you like? Maybe we can talk about it during our lesson.
たとえばサマーソニックとか、フジロックとか。私も2年前にサマーソニックに行ったことがあるけど、ザ・プロディジーもティンティンズもレディー・ガガのライブが観れたけどみんなとってもサイコーだったわ! 千葉でもビーチでの大きいフェスティバルがあるのよね。私、チケットは持っているんだけど、まだ行くかどうかは決めていないの。みんなは日本のミュージックフェスティバルに行ったことがあるかしら? どんな音楽が好き? レッスンの時にそんな
The biggest reason I love the summer, and its pretty selfish, is because
My birthday is in August! My last 2 birthday's have been in Tokyo.
The first year we went to an Izakaya in Shibuya called MARU 8, and then
we went to Karaoke. One of my friends from England also came over to celebrate it with us.
これが私が夏が大好きな一番の理由だわ、それから、これはちょっと私事だけど、私の誕生日が8月なの! 過去2回の
誕生日は東京でした。最初の年は渋谷にあるMARU 8という居酒屋さんに
Last year we went to a Spanish restaurant in Akasaka. The food was fantastic and 1 of my friends organised a birthday cake for me… We ended up having a cake fight in the middle of the restaurant- I don't think we can go back to that restaurant again! What do you usually do to celebrate you or your friends birthdays? I would love to find out!
去年は赤坂にあるスペインレストランに行きました。お料理がとてもおいしかったんだけど、レストランの中で、友達が用意してくれたバースデーケーキの投げ合いを終えた時には、もう、このレストランには二度と来れないなって思ったわ! みんなはいつもどうやってみんなや友達の誕生日をお祝いする? ぜひ私に教えてね。
Anyway, I look forward to meeting more B members soon and hearing about your summer plans!