Hi!! Kiaora!!
My name is Nicky(Nicola) and I'm a 25-year old Kiwi!! Do you know what a Kiwi is?? I guess in Japan and in many other countries, a Kiwi is understood to be a fruit, right?
私は25歳のキウィ!みなさんキウィって何か知ってい ますか?キウィというと日本や多くの国々ではみんなフルーツって思うんじゃな いかしら?
In my country, we call that particular fruit a, "kiwifruit", and the Kiwi is actually our national bird. It's also a casual word for people from my country.
私の国では、フルーツのキウィは『キウィフルーツ』と呼び、『キウィ』という と実際は国鳥のことなの。
My country, along with being the home of the Kiwi, is also home to:
a) The Lord of the Rings (where the movie trilogy was filmed)
b) The Amazing All Blacks (our beloved national rugby team – also national heroes, as all the people in my home country are rugby crazy!!)
c) Many, many sheep!!! In fact there are about 40 million sheep in my
…and just over 4 million people!!
a)ロード オブ ザ リング(三部作の映画が撮影された場所)
c)ものすご~くたくさんの羊たち!!! 実際に私の国には4000万頭もの羊がいる のよ!そして、人口はたったの400万人ちょっと。
So…have you figured it out yet? Do you know which country is my home?
Well…I live in Japan and it's home for me right now. But I was born and raised in Beautiful New Zealand.
Have you ever been there?
Maybe you have, as it's a very popular tourist destination amongst Japanese travelers.
Then again, maybe you haven't (yet!) as it's quite far from Japan!!
多分、日本人旅行者の間でもとっても人気の観光地だから、行ったことがある人 もいるでしょう。また、日本からかなり距離があるからまだ行ったことがない人 もいるでしょうね。
I have lived in Japan for more than four years, having arrived at Narita
Airport more than four years ago on November 9th, 2005. Before coming to
Japan, I was a student at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch.
While at University, I studied linguistics, mass communication and German, so I was able to speak German quite well when I raduated…and then I came to Japan, although I couldn't speak Japanese at all!! The only things I could say in Japanese were, "Hello", "My name is Nicky", "I don't know", "I don't understand", "I don't speak Japanese", and, "Where is the closest supermarket?" (In case I got hungry, hahaha….!!)
降り立ってからずっと。日本に来る前は、クライストチャーチにあるカンタベ リー大学の学生だったの。学生時代、私は言語学、マスコミ学、ドイツ語を学ん だから、卒業する頃にはドイツ語がかなり話せるくらいになったの。それから日 本へ来たんだけど、日本語はまったく話せなかったわ。私が日本語で知っていた のは「こんにちは」、「私の名前はニッキーです。」、「知りません。」、「分 かりません。」、「私は日本語が話せません。」そして「一番近いスーパーはど こですか?」(これは万が一お腹が空いたときのためにね、アハハ!)。
At this time, I was living in Oyama, Tochigi, and working as an Englishteacher. After 7 months there, I moved to Fujimi-shi, Saitama, and lived
there for 11 months, after which I moved to Ikebukuro, Tokyo. I lived in
Ikebukuro for about one and a half years, then I moved to Higashikurume,
near Tokorozawa. After living there for about one and a half years, I
recently moved again! I now live in Nishiwaseda, and am loving it!!
それから池袋に引っ越してきたの。池袋には1年半くらい住んで、その後東久留 米という所沢の近くに引っ越したの。そこで1年半くらい暮らして、最近また 引っ越したの!今は西早稲田に住んでるけど、ここを本当に気に入っているわ!

Sorting out bedroom
Japan has become one of the great loves of my life, and I'm amazed at how
much I have received and learned here. The people, the language, the
culture, the food….and so many more components, all make up my love for this nation and its people.
I guess the biggest change for me happened two and a half years ago, here in Japan. I became a Christian and I love my AMAZING Church in Tokyo…so I'm still here, after more than four years.
Recently, my dad came to visit me, and he also loved Japan so much. He is from Switzerland, but lives in New Zealand now, so although he is used to different cultures, everything here in Japan was so new for him – he had so much fun and was amused by many things that are so natural here in Japan, such as people handing out tissues for free, and the many little temples you can see around Tokyo.

I've recently started working at B Watashi no Eikaiwa and I'm so excited to be here – I've taught students of various levels, ages, and paths of life…from 2 year olds to a 92-year old! I spent the last 8 months working with young children, and this hasbeen a fantastic experience.
私は最近b わたしの英会話で働き始めて、とってもワクワクしているの。

Nicki's teaching resources
But…what I am most passionate about is teaching English grammar, sentence structure, and the conventions of our complicated but wonderful language! So, I have decided to return to eikaiwa teaching and I hope that I can use the skills that I have developed in my time here, as well as those learned at university through my linguistic studies, to help you to up your English skills!!
でも、私が最も夢中なことは、英文法や文の構造、わたし達の複雑且つ素晴らし い言語の慣習について教えることなの。
スキルも、また私の大学での言語学の研究で学んだこともみなさんの英語力アッ プの一助となることを願っているわ!!!
I look forward to meeting with you and hearing your story!! Come introduce yourself to me and tell me about your life – I'm a great listener!!
みんなに会えるのを、そしてみんなのストーリーを聞けるのを楽しみにしている わ!ぜひ自己紹介をしに来てね!そしてみんなのこれまでの人生について教えて ね。私はとっても聞き上手なのよ!!!
Until we meet again…