Seeing the first ume blossoms on the trees and witnessing the green shoots
of the long buried tulips pushing up through the cold earth, I decided I
wanted to experience winter one last time.
After looking at my map of Japan, I decided on Fukushima.
今年初めての梅の花が咲き始め、長い間埋まっていたチューリップの緑色のつぼみが冷たい地面から上に向かって伸び始めているのを見つけて、僕は最後の最後にもう一度冬を感じたいと思ったんだ。 そして日本地図を眺めて、福島に行くことに決めた。
Heading up the Joban Expressway, I passed through Ibaraki and into
Fukushima. I then headed west toward the Aizu area.
The landscape got progressively wintery but it was only after passing
through a long tunnel that the scene totally changed. Everything was white
and the magnificent Mt. Bandai dominated the horizon ahead.

I continued on the historic city of Aizu-Wakamatsu, where I visited Tsuruga
castle. The castle is a reconstruction of the original built under Gamo
Ujisato in 1593. The original was destroyed by the Meiji government in 1874
as the ruling clan, the Matsudaira’s, were a branch of the Tokugawa family
and thus enemies of the state. Tsuruga castle now serves as a local history
museum and observation platform affording magnificent views of the
surrounding mountains.

After visiting the castle, I wandered around the grounds and visited the
Rinkaku Tea Ceremony Room – myself having a warm amazake.
Now time for dinner.
I feel that Fukushima is a microcosm of Japan. By this I mean that it has
the sea, in the east, plains, in the centre, and mountains in the west.
This combination, just as in Japan, makes for some great food. I ate many
local dishes including anko kara-age style, waka-sagi, shijimi-jiru, beef
and pork.
It was a delicious feast which would give me power for the mountains
tomorrow …