Hi b members!
I hope that you are all well!
Last month was a busy month but we have now entered into the Christmas
season so things are becoming festive in and around Tokyo!
It’s been a while since my last blog so I thought I’d write about something that
I have been doing recently.
First of all I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone at b! Everyone has given me a warm welcome and have proved to have been fantastic to teach over the last 3 months! I have thoroughly enjoyed our classes together! It has been wonderful meeting so many interesting people!
まず何よりも、僕はbでみんなに会うのが本当に楽しいんだ!みんな僕を温かく 迎えてくれて、
Recently, I had the chance to head over to Yokohama for a spot of free time taking in the sights and breathing in the sea air. First off I took the Tokyu Toyoko line from my place to Yokohama where I caught the Sea Bass (Bus) to Yamashita koen. The sea bus was a lovely experience as it took me right around Minato Mirai bay where I could see all of the buildings and the ferris wheel lit up against the backdrop of the golden sunset. The only drawback is that the trip from Yokohama station to Yamashita koen was a bit pricy, costing me \700 one way… but I guess that in the end it was worth it!
横浜 に行く機会があったんだ。
最初に、東急東横線で僕の住んでるところから、山下公園に向かうシーバスに乗 るため
横浜駅に向かったんだ。シーバスは僕を、金色に輝きながら沈む夕日を背 にして
ライトアップされたビルや観覧車を見ることができるみなとみらい湾の周 りにつれて行ってくれて、
ただ一つ欠点は、横浜駅から山下公園まで片道700円かかって、ちょっと値の張 るところなんだ。
After disembarking the sea bus I came across a moored ship called NYK
HIKAWAMARU which used to travel between Seattle and Yokohama in the 1930’s and is now apparently been turned into a floating restaurant! I would love to be able to eat there sometime!
シアトル―横浜間を旅した船で、今はどうやら水上レストランになってるような んだ。
As I headed from Yamashita park to Chinatown I heard a lot of commotion
coming from down a side street so I decided to investigate. As the noise
got louder I was startled by the sound of an explosion and the beating of drums! I rounded the corner and was met by an amazing sight; there were four, brightly coloured dragons roaming the street!! I had walked into the midst of a Chinese festival.
山下公園から中華街に向かっていたとき、わき道からなんだか騒がしい声が聞こ えてきたから、
何が起きてるかちょっと調べてみることにしたんだ。音が大きく なるについれ、
入り込 んでしまっていたんだよ。
I had no idea what was going on or why the festival was being held but I took the opportunity to soak in the atmosphere under the warm glow of the temple lanterns whilst I took some shots of the action …
僕は何が起きているのかも、どうしてお祭りが開催されているのかもわからな かったけど、
The dragons wheeled and careened around, grabbing the heads of unsuspecting
o-yaji in their jaws and leaping up and down in a frenzy of fur and roars.
I had been to the odd New Years festival before back in the UK
but I had never seen a Chinese festival performed with such dynamic energy!
龍たちは、旋回したり傾きながら走ったり、突然何の身構えもしていない”おや じ”の
頭を大きな顎でわしづかみにしたり、上下に動いて羽を舞い上げうなり声 をあげて大乱舞。
僕は以前、イギリスで風変わりなお正月のお祭りに参加したこ とがあったけど、
これほどまでに力強いエネルギーで行われる中国のお祭りは見 たことがなかったんだ!
At the end of the festival it was revealed that a local Chinese performance group had
staged the festival in aid of the launch of a new locall produced drink entitle
The Water, which they gave out as free samples afterwards. Of course,
I grabbed myself a bottle or two for the road…
お祭りの最後には、地域の中国人のパフォーマンスグループが新たに地元で生産 された
『The Water』と名づけられた飲み物の立ち上げ援助のために開催したと わかったんだ。
この飲み物はその後無料で試飲用に配られたんだよ。もちろん、 僕は1,2本その場で飲むのと、
As the blur of colour and costume faded from the scene I took it upon
myself to have a well-earned dinner at one of the nearby Chinese restaurants.
It was a great deal and set me back only \1,000 for a four
dish set plus dessert and tea!! I will make sure that I go there again 😀
お祭りの大熱狂が静まった後、僕はくたくただったからすぐ近くにある中華料理 店の一つを選び、
4種類の料理とデザートやお茶もついてたったの1000円というすごくお得なセッ トだったんだ!!
As the night drew in I decided to make my way back home by walking back to Minato Mirai
along the bay past the factory outlet and the Warner Brothers Village.
Nothing beats a quiet evenings walk with the smell of the sea air in your lungs!
I got to the station, bought my ticket and jumped on the Toyoko line back home.
All in all a great day out!
日が暮れ始め、僕は家に帰ろうと思って、みなとみらいまで海沿いや赤レンガ倉 庫や
胸いっぱいに海風の匂いを溜め込んで歩く静かな夜は最高だよ!僕は駅に着いて 切符を買い、
Next time you have a day off try taking this route from Yokohama station
through to Ishikawa-cho station or back to Minato Mirai station.
It is best done in the early evening so you can take in the beauty of the Yokohama lights!!!
みんなも次の休みの日に、横浜駅から石川町駅へのルートか横浜駅からみなとみ らい駅への
ルートを試してみてね!このルートは横浜のキレイなイルミネーショ ンを見ることができるから、
For more information about this trip and how to book your ticket on the Sea Bus
please visit the below link:
この小旅行の詳しい情報やシーバスのチケット購入方法などはこのリンクを見て みてね!
I’m looking forward to hearing about your Yokohama stories!
See you soon and take care!
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- 2025.01.15 First Blog by Amelinda
- 2025.01.13 My First New Year in Japan by Alina
- 2025.01.11 Annual Girls’ Trip: 2025 Edition by Judes
- 2025.01.10 My 2025 Resolutions by Gabrielle
- 2025.01.09 Mindfulness by Andrea
- 2025.01.09 Ai’s First Blog
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- 2024.12.14 The pig cafe and The Christmas market by Alina
- 2024.12.12 Tokyo Illumination by Rachel
- 2024.12.11 Staying warm in Germany vs. Japan by Alina
- 2024.12.10 Happy Holiday Season!by Asa
- 2024.12.09 Divasha’s First Blog
- 2024.12.05 Christmas in the UK! by Ines
- 2024.12.04 A Magical Christmas in London by Angelica
- 2024.12.02 My First Blog Post by Judes
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